1 APR 2022 Alumnus Dr. Badrinath Jagannath Appointed CVRCE’s Associate Vice-President, Research

CVRCE is dedicated to providing a supportive environment for its faculty and students. We look forward to working with the UMN faculty and staff to bring the student-athletes of this institution down to earth. CVRCE cannot and will not be responsible for the results of students' and faculty's actions that result in their discontinuation.

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30 Mar 2022 Yahya Ali Uses Sport Analytics To Help Indian Athletes Become World Champions

Yahya Ali uses sport analytics to help Indian athletes become world champions. He says the big brands with massive reach know that they are a better place to grow. Entrepreneurs need to be willing to give away money or give away your time on the brand instead of wasting it.

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11 MAR 2022 Alumni Startups Focused on Health, Sustainability Among Winners at Entrepreneurship Week Pitch Competition

Entrepreneurship Week Pitch Competition brings together up to 5 highly qualified and passionate startups. The competition will start at 7 AM local time on Wednesday October 17. Winners of the competition will be announced on Monday October 25, and receive one (1) Startup Fund.

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21 MAR 2022 CVRCE Entrepreneurship Week 2022: 10 Alumni Startups To Watch

Here are 10 main reasons I know the Alumni of the University. This program includes entrepreneurs that have proven their worth. Those that are inspired by the success in their field. There's an awesome community of entrepreneurs coming to learn.

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